By Jane Willis
I recently stumbled upon the oddest form of outsourcing: Hiring pretend paparazzi. A company provides fake paparazzi to mob a celebrity and yell questions, creating the illusion of importance.
My outsourcing approach veers more toward expertise than ego boost. If I’m leaning on an external resource for help, it’s because that resource has knowledge that I do not. I can grocery shop. However, can I repair the brakes on my car or plan a wedding? Not so much. When businesses outsource, they follow a similar approach. They don’t outsource marketing just to send an occasional email blast. It’s about the significant results — more leads, a higher profile and growth.
The same is valid for outsourcing accounting. When a company entrusts all its accounting to your firm, it expects the accountant to contribute to broader goals and results. It isn’t about taking over payroll; it’s about improving the business.